July 27, 2024
Name-day: Natalii, Aureliusza, Jerzego

Laboratory of powders preparation


The laboratory includes, purchased as part of the implementation of the LAPROMAW project, the following sets of apparatus:

  • Ball mill ATTITOR
  • Glove box with oven (LABMASTER)


The ball mill is dedicated to metallic powders fragmentation and mechanical alloying. Attritor can mill even 5 dm3 of powder in dry and wet mode. It is equipped with a stainless steel cylinder with water supplied heat exchanger to provide cooling during the fragmentation. Material can be milled in the ambient gas atmosphere with balls made of steel, glass or ceramics. MANUFACTURER: MIKRONS, INDIA






Glove box with oven (LABMASTER) is dedicated to work with air and water sensitive materials (H2O and O2 concentration levels in the glove box are kept below 0.1 ppm). Argon is used as a working gas. The glove box serves mainly for the storage of flammable powders to prevent them from undesired oxidation. A laboratory oven is placed inside the glove box. It enables heating up to 1100 oC in the atmosphere without oxygen and water steam. The glove box is equipped with a cooling system which enables to keep the temperature inside in the range from 10 to 30 oC.

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