October 22, 2024
Name-day: Halki, Kordiana, Kordelii

Laboratory of computer-aided design, engineering calculations and manufacturing (CAD-CAE-CAM)


The CAD/FEM/CAM laboratory enables gathering and processing of information data about structural features of parts of machines, systems and devices.

Geometrical models made in CAD (Solid Edge, Mega Cad) and CAD blocks in CAM (SpectraCad Engraver, SpectraCAM Turning, OSN Zero) are the basis for determining the crucial mechanical properties of the designing parts or mechanisms already at the stage of designing. These properties are specified by FEM software group (FromFEM) based on the durability criteria.

Geometric models (CAD) are imported into the CAM software, where the manufacturing process is generated by the model and then transformed to a series of commands to the appropriate machines, numerically controlled and briefly defined as NC or CNC. These programs enable to simulate the manufacturing process of the model, making possible a thorough analysis of the technological process and its multicriteria optimization. 


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