October 22, 2024
Name-day: Halki, Kordiana, Kordelii

Laboratory of non-destructive testing


Computer Tomograph - Nikon /Metris XT H 225 ST

Computer Tomograph - Nikon /Metris XT H 225 ST Computer Tomograph (CT) - Nikon /Metris XT H 225 ST is an industrial, multi-tasking system for evaluation of external and internal dimensions of objects while maintaining high accuracy and without having to cut and/or dismantle them. It also allows the analysis of the density of the test material which makes it a great tool to four qualitative and quantitative assessment of the various elements in many fields of science and industries, such as electronics and electrical engineering, automotive, aerospace, medicine, materials science, paleontology and archeology, etc..

Major features:

  • Verification of complex internal structures (control teams fit)
  • Isolation and inspection of the individual components of complex sets (reverse engineering, verification of CAD projects, digitization)
  • Automatic detection and measurement of internal defects and malfunctions (porosity, inclusions, cracks)
  • Metrological measurements without cutting the element
  • Easy virtual sectioning of analyzed elements

Primary technical parameters:

  • Two types of radiation sources - Open Tube UltraFocus Reflection Target (spot size ~ 3 microns) and Nanotech 180kV Transmission Target (maximum resolution of ~ 1 micron)
  • Maximum accelerating voltage/power - 225 kV/225 W
  • Maximum magnification of geometrical quantities ~ 160x
  • 4 million pixels flat detector
  • 5-axis, computer-controlled table with a carrying capacity of ~ 50 kg
  • The maximum dimension of the analyzed element ~ 450x450x600 mm

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